After making a lot of progress in other aspects of my transition, my voice felt like a major hurdle that I somehow needed to address to move forward with my life. I was recommended to Celia by my counsellor, and since I met her I haven’t looked back. Voice training is hard work, but Celia is there every step of the way, ensuring that your resulting voice sounds natural and is built up safely and steadily.

You can tell Celia trains your voice in a thorough and professional manner, developing the necessary vocal skills and strengths in a way you couldn’t do alone. The exercises can be daunting but you realise that they’re very necessary and things have a habit of ‘clicking’ once these skills come together. The final result is an authentic voice that I couldn’t have imagined speaking with every day before I started working with her.

Celia’s one of the most supportive and friendly people I’ve worked with, and I’ll miss our regular chats now that my voice training has come to an end! Needless to say, I’d very happily recommend her to anybody who wants to take this step with their voice.

Transgender Voice Feminisation – JA