With the increased awareness of the LGBTQ+ community, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) have issued new objectives/guidelines.

In March 2017 CQC published new equality objectives, stating that they ‘will check that providers make person-centred care work for everyone, from all equality groups – for example for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using adult social care’. 

Also in March 2017 (due to be reviewed in March 2020) the RCN published new guidelines, entitled ‘Fair care for trans patients’. It states ‘As some trans patients have reported poor experiences of health care settings, your approach has a significant impact in ensuring better health outcomes for trans patients’.

I have specialised in working with members of the transgender community for 11 years as well as delivering training to staff working in nursing and care homes and agencies

Who should attend the LGBTQ+ Information Session?

All staff including nurses, care staff, housekeeping staff, admin staff and members of the management team.

What are the learning outcomes?

  • To know the difference between gender and sex
  • To know what LGBTQ+ means
  • To have an overview of some of the different groups of people in the LGBTQ+ community
  • To know what you can do to support members of LGBTQ+ community
  • Overview of experiences of some older LGBTQ+ nursing home residents
  • Overview of the Care Quality Commission report 

Course details

Duration: 1 hour                                               Cost: Prices on request

Location: On site                                              Maximum delegates per session: 14

What is included in the LGBTQ+ Information Session?

  • Attendance certificates and course notes
  • Summary of feedback from delegates
  • Signposting of delegates to additional sources of information about LQBTQ+

Excerpts of testimonials from TG clients:

It is obvious that (Celia) genuinely cares about her clients and trans people in general.   I can easily say that she has been one of my strongest allies throughout my transition (from male to female). – EF

(Celia) is very understanding and supportive of the trans community. – PW

Interested in the LGBTQ+ Information Session?

Please get in contact via the Contact page.