Several months before I was formally diagnosed with Parkinsons, I was seeking a specialist’s help for a weak voice, and having to repeat myself frequently. I became increasingly reserved as communication with others became harder. Then, one Sunday morning, a…

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My family and friends noticed my speech was not normal. After several tests and consultations, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. My nephew who is an NHS consultant researched and suggested LSVT with Celia. Having done LSVT I feel more confident…

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Transgender Voice Feminisation – FC

I would highly recommend Celia to anyone early in their transition. She took my rough, DIY vocal work and helped transform it into something that not only sounded more authentically feminine but more importantly, took the strain off my vocal cords and…

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Transgender Voice Feminisation – CD

The first thing I noticed when starting my transition was the importance of my voice. My original speaking voice brought me immense dysphoria and played a huge part in my (lack of) confidence. Furthermore, when presenting fully as myself, it…

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I suffer from Parkinson’s disease. My voice quality and volume had deteriorated to such an extent that my family and friends could not understand me, especially on the telephone.  I became frustrated and embarrassed at having to repeat myself .…

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