Pre therapy (41 s):

Post therapy:

When I booked my first session with Celia, I was pretty depressed. The pandemic had just started: I couldn’t see my friends, couldn’t leave the house, and on top of that my laser hair removal appointments had been cancelled. It felt like my transition — my new life — had come to a grinding halt.

I’d always wanted an authentic female voice, but never felt like it was something I could achieve. Celia proved me completely wrong.  Our sessions together taught me that with hard work I could achieve my dream, while the exercises she set gave shape to those long, boring pandemic evenings. Celia’s MtF voice training let me make progress towards becoming the woman I am now. It was a godsend.

I’ve been using my voice every day for the past 6 months, and I couldn’t be happier. Working with Celia gave me the confidence to be myself at work, with my friends, and in everyday life. She’s also a genuinely lovely person, and I went into every session knowing that we were working towards the same goal. She helped me achieve that goal. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Transgender Voice Feminisation – HS