“Over the course of many years with Parkinson’s disease, I had noticed myself starting to slur my words as I was speaking, also my speech volume has decreased. I was intensely aware of it, but only very good friends would mention to me, that I can sound like I’ve had too much to drink when I haven’t had a drop, (doubly annoying)! As someone to whom public speaking has been, and remains an important part of my life, this can be acutely embarrassing.

Celia Bacon’s Loud and Clear has really taught me to enunciate my words slowly and clearly by considering the theory of the appropriate relationship between the mouth, lips teeth and tongue whilst speaking and putting that theory into practice in front of a small audience of similar people with the Parkinson’s condition. Together with Celia they give helpful and constructive feedback, enabling me to modify and improve as required.

More recently, I have also noticed that I can have difficulty swallowing. Not only that, but with increasing regularity I find myself choking on my food whilst eating. As part of her oral workout regime, Celia has shown me simple exercises I can do myself to strengthen the muscles in my tongue, which helps.

The simple fact is that Celia, as a Parkinson’s disease specialist, has a greater empathy then most healthcare professionals I have encountered of living with this condition; and that is what makes every visit to Loud and Clear a pleasure, which I look forward to every month.”

– PB, Winchester

Loud and Clear – PB