Several months before I was formally diagnosed with Parkinsons, I was seeking a specialist’s help for a weak voice, and having to repeat myself frequently. I became increasingly reserved as communication with others became harder. Then, one Sunday morning, a voice failure when speaking to an audience of 150 people caused me serious embarrassment and distress. Something had to change. Me, or my relationship with the outside world.

I initially attended Celia’s monthly Loud and Clear groups. During a further discussion with Celia, she immediately recognised my problem, and suggested that I did the LSVT programme. From the beginning, she made it clear that while it would bring me the result I needed, it would be no walk in the park.

Celia is highly professional, knowledgeable, and approachable. After the first few one-to-one online sessions I could tell we were making great progress. My motivation to succeed was equalled by Celia’s enthusiasm. Homework was required, and it produced results.

“Life-changing” seems like an over-used phrase, but In my case the ability to re-connect with my family, friends and society at large in the face of approaching isolation really did change my life. 

One month later I stood on stage and spoke to that same audience of 150 people, with clarity, confidence and to genuine applause. 

I thank Celia for leading me to where I am now and am delighted to endorse her without reservation.