I was beginning to despair about my quiet voice! Diagnosed with Parkinson’s 16 years ago, I had been unheard, misunderstood and ignored, for a long time. That look on the faces of well-meaning people as they nodded and agreed to what I said – but in the wrong places – it yelled at me, ‘I can’t hear a word you’re saying’.  I was starting to find this reaction painful and when I began to exclude myself from social gatherings, I knew change was on the horizon.…….and then I discovered the remarkable Celia and Vox Humana!

Reading about the course she delivers – Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT Loud) – a four-week intensive voice therapy, and added opportunities to practice being loud, that she offers through her service, inspired me to get in touch with Celia.

After an introductory session, I was convinced I must give myself this chance that had fallen into my lap. Now that I have completed the course, I know it was great value for money – I did the right thing by signing up for the high effort, high commitment, and high results course.

Celia is very professional and knowledgeable, using evidence-based strategies. She is hard working and punctual, and is a marvellous teacher. All the sessions were one-to-one through Zoom. She personalised all the course materials to make it easier for me. She also made every session so much fun! She encouraged me to set a realistic and achievable goal and at the end of the course she measured my improvements, and sent the results to my Neurologist and GP.

After completing the course I joined Celia’s weekly maintenance sessions called Loud For Life where I can practice my learning in a safe environment with other people who have Parkinson’s who have done the course.

Today I can hardly believe the change in my voice. I am thrilled when I speak to people and get an appropriate response. I no longer feel like an outcast, but someone who can who can contribute to the conversation on equal terms! I still have a long way to go but I never dreamt that I would get this far so quickly!

Thank you Celia